Karen McCluskey

Karen McCluskey Bender
Kathryn Joosten as Karen McCluskey.
Portrayed by Kathryn Joosten
First appearance "Love Is in the Air" (episode 1.14)
Created by Marc Cherry
Aliases Karen Simmons[1] (maiden name)
Karen McCluskey (first married name)
Occupation Housewife/Babysitter
Residence 4358 Wisteria Lane in Fairview, Eagle State
4347 Wisteria Lane in Fairview, Eagle State - briefly in season 4 right after tornado until she rebuild her own house

Karen McCluskey Bender (née Simmons, previously McCluskey) is a fictional character on the ABC television series Desperate Housewives. The character is played by Kathryn Joosten, who won the Emmy Award twice for Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series in 2005 and 2008.



Karen McCluskey was born in 1943, quickly wed and gave birth to a son in the 1960s. In season six she reveals to Robin Gallagher that she was in the sex trade business, and modeled for Sears Roebuck, which put her through college. She was the second wife to Gilbert McCluskey, who neglected to update his pension files leaving all of his assets to his first wife, to whom he was only very briefly married. For this reason Karen kept his body in a freezer in her basement. She has two sisters: Gayle and Roberta, and is married to Roy Bender, portrayed by Orson Bean.


Season 1

Karen McCluskey, born in 1943, is introduced in the series as a neighborhood nemesis of Lynette Scavo. In the season one episode Live Alone and Like It (episode 19) we learn that she suffers from severe arthritis and how Lynette helped her when she collapsed soon after they became good friends. Known as the bickering old woman of the neighborhood, Mrs. McCluskey can be constantly known for bickering and causing ruckus. However, deep down Mrs. McCluskey is a really good woman full of love. It was revealed that she had a son that died at age twelve. She offered to babysit the Scavo kids only to be sent home because Lynette found her to be 'ancient'. Throughout the entire show, she is referred to mainly as Mrs. McCluskey rather than Karen.

Season 2

One time, Mrs. McCluskey accidentally tasered Lynette's co-worker Stu when she believed he was trying to "abduct" Lynette's kids. She was reported to have seen Matthew Applewhite and Danielle Van de Kamp making out at the county park. In episode 15 of season 2, she found Bree passed out on the front lawn. She subsequently alerted Lynette that Bree was drinking while babysitting her kids. Bree's drinking problems inadvertently improved Mrs. McCluskey's relationship with Lynette, as she now frequently babysits the Scavo kids. Towards the end of Season 2 she supported Lynette, who followed Tom Scavo to Atlantic City in a bid to find out the truth behind Tom's supposed infidelity.

Season 3

She has emerged as a more prominent and visible character in Season 3, often involved in social roles with members of Wisteria Lane and even forming a friendship with Edie Britt. It has also been notable that due to the very separate story that Bree Hodge has this season, Mrs. McCluskey is often seen gathering with the other three main housewives Lynette Scavo, Gabrielle Solis and Susan Mayer. Recently, Mrs. McCluskey gave Mike Delfino his toolbox back (which later got him arrested despite her hiding it), and helped form the protest against the suspected pedophile Art Shephard. In the episode Liaisons, it was revealed that Mrs. McCluskey has her own secret: she has the dead body of her husband, Gilbert, stored in a chest freezer in her basement. In the following episode, God, That's Good Karen breaks her arm, and is taken to hospital. In the mean time, first Parker Scavo, then Ida Greenberg discovers Gilbert's dead body. Karen manages to persuade Parker to keep quiet, but Ida goes to the police, and Karen is put into jail. Mrs. McCluskey is the talk of the town after the news spreads about her husband's body being found in the freezer. She becomes hassled by local kids, who throw eggs at her house, and paint 'Witch' on her door. Lynette also changes baby sitters to keep her away from her children, but Parker continues to defend her and tells Mrs. McCluskey to just tell the truth to make it stop. She goes to Travers' birthday party while the other Wisteria Lane residents are cleaning up and reveals her actions. She explains that she came home at 2 am from a weekend away to find Gilbert had died. Waiting until morning to call the Funeral Home, she checks his pension plan to see he'd signed everything off to his first wife. Mrs. McCluskey, in fear of losing everything, kept his body in the freezer and kept cashing the checks. Lynette then hires Mrs. McCluskey back as her babysitter. Lynette tells Mrs. McCluskey the family missed her, and Mrs. McCluskey says she missed them too. As she walks into her house Mrs. McCluskey says that she will need a raise as she has a lot of money to pay and holds up bills.

Season 4

Mrs. McCluskey asks to speak to Carlos and complains to him about the garbage he left out being late and almost foils Edie's fake suicide plan but notices her at the last minute. Later at Katherine Mayfair's barbecue, she questions Katherine as to why she left town twelve years ago without saying any goodbyes to anyone and Katherine is shocked that she remembers so much.[4] We are told that Karen used to babysit Dylan Mayfair, and knew something about her father, even though Dylan insists her father left her when she was a baby.[5]

Karen later gives her opinion on new neighbors Bob and Lee's water fountain by saying it's "crap". When Katherine and Lynette both run for the job of the leader of the home owners association Karen casts her vote for Lynette although Katherine wins anyway.[6]

In "Something's Coming", Mrs. McCluskey reluctantly invites Lynette Scavo and her family to take shelter in her house because of a tornado. But when she invites Ida Greenberg and her pet cat Toby to also take shelter, things get complicated as Lynette's husband Tom is allergic to cats. So Lynette tries to smuggle Toby out of the house. When Karen catches Lynette smuggling Toby from the basement, Lynette angrily accuses her of choosing a cat over Tom. Suddenly the door blows open and Toby escapes. As Karen tries to get Toby back into her house, Lynette catches her and then they see the tornado coming. They try to get back into the house, but when things block their way, they enter Lynette's house and take refuge in the bathtub. Later, when the tornado ends, they step outside, only to find Mrs. McCluskey's house in ruins.[7]

In "Welcome to Kanagawa", Mrs. McCluskey sees Lynette's children and husband recovered safely from the ruins of Karen's house. But unfortunately, Ida didn't survive the tornado. As Lynette and Karen pack Ida's belongings, they think of spreading the ashes inside a baseball stadium, but things get complicated as Ida's niece and nephew take the urn back to Omaha, Nebraska, not knowing that Ida's ashes were replaced by dust from a vacuum cleaner inside the urn. Later that night, Mrs. McCluskey and Lynette break into the baseball stadium and spread Ida's ashes around the field, but get caught by the police. The police let Mrs. McCluskey and Lynette off with a warning. Karen almost had her third strike as she and Lynette know that it wouldn't be enough.

In the season finale "Free" the show skips five years later and by this time Karen would be 69.

Season 5

In the five year leap for the fifth season Karen is shown to be alive and well. When Edie returns to Fairview with her new husband, Dave Williams, Karen welcomes her back and continues to tease and make jokes to her like they used to. Edie begins to get upset and Dave asks Karen if she could stop, but Karen refuses. Later on, Toby mysteriously goes missing and whilst searching for him Karen asks Dave to help her look for the cat, but Dave refuses, however, when Karen refuses again to apologize to Edie. Karen then begins to suspect that Dave had taken Toby. Karen apologizes to Edie and asks Edie to tell Dave she did so, and when returning home that night Toby was back. Karen's suspicions of Dave begins to grow and she enlists the help of Katherine in order find out more information.

A few episodes later it's Karen's 70th birthday and the residents organize a surprise party for her at Susan's house. However, when Dave breaks into Karen's house and moves stuff around in order to annoy her, Karen arrives at the party with a baseball bat and goes to attack Dave, but is stopped. Everyone looks on worried as they believe she is going crazy as Karen is taken away in an ambulance. Dave tells her to take care and she gets driven off. In the hospital Edie visits her and Karen apologizes, saying her pills had made her accuse and attack Dave. Edie accepts the apology and after she leaves Karen reveals it was all an act and she rings her sister Roberta asking her to come down. Together the two of them try to find out more information about Dave's past and they discover he was a patient of a psychiatrist. When they visit, however, the doctor is not there (he was actually killed by Dave the episode before), and Roberta then tells Karen she's had enough and that she cannot help anymore and she leaves. Karen returns to Fairview and later on in the eighteenth episode of the season hangs out with Edie and she tells Karen about his past and how he lost his wife and daughter in a car accident. Karen apologizes, saying she wouldn't have done what she did to Dave if she knew that as she lost a child herself and knows what it can do to a person.

In the following episode Edie dies due to being electrocuted and Karen, along with Susan, Gabrielle, Bree and Lynette, are asked by Dave to take her ashes to her son Travers. When they arrive and tell Travers, he is not visibly upset by Edie's death and he tells them she was not a good mom and that she did not even attempt to raise him. Karen gets angry at this and tells Travers how some years back Edie had comforted Karen on the anniversary of her son's death and Edie told her about Travers and that she wanted him to be brought up properly and that she knew she wouldn't have been a good mother to him. Travers then becomes upset over her death and tells the ladies they should take the ashes. Karen, being the closest to Edie, stays up trying to figure out what to do with Edie when suddenly her front door gently blows open, Karen looks down the street at Wisteria Lane and comes up with the idea to spread Edie's ashes through the neighborhood.

In the fifth season finale Karen and Roberta once again try to find out more information about Dave by breaking into Edie's house after Roberta got a call from Dr. Heller's receptionist saying he died in the fire. Karen and Roberta are caught by the police and taken to the station where they discover Dave's ex-wife and daughter were the ones killed in the accident which involved Mike and Susan. Roberta then mentions how freaky it was that Dave changed his name to live with the people who were involved with his family's death.

Season 6

Karen is given a love interest this season named Roy Bender. When Gaby offers to collect Karen from the grocery store, Karen spends the whole time in the car talking about her sex life with Roy. She later watches as Julie fights with her new neighbor Danny Bolen on the street.

The first time Karen McCluskey met Roy Bender she smiled at him to her surprise. The next time they met, Roy smiled back. They then continued to flirt for a week until they decided to sleep together. They went out for weeks until one day Karen decided she needed to know how he felt while they were out for a walk, Karen told Roy that she loved him. Roy didn't respond until Karen urged him on. He was about to tell her he loved her when he noticed Julie Mayer unconscious in a garden. Karen then screamed at the top of her voice, informing Wisteria Lane of Julie's brutal attack.

Later Karen tells Roy that she doesn't know whether she should tell the police that she saw Julie and Danny Bolen fighting on the street a few days previous. She tells him that she doesn't want to point fingers. Roy then tells her she should tell them because she doesn't have to do it alone. He then tells her that he would be sad if Karen got hit by a bus but when Karen says that he will have to shower alone tonight, Roy tells her that he loves her. Karen later watches as Danny is arrested.

She later visits Katherine Mayfair at the mental hospital she is staying to encourage her to come back to Wisteria Lane. She later brings the housewives with her to convince her to come back.

In the sixth season episode, The Chase, Karen gets engaged to Roy, and learns she has lung cancer. However, two episodes later in My Two Young Men we learn that Karen has already beaten cancer, and Roy throws a party for her, which all the neighbors of Wisteria Lane attend.

Season 7

Karen alerts the women of Paul Young's return in the first episode "Remember Paul?".[8] In the fourth episode, Karen is concerned when Paul asks her to him sell him her house because she might die soon. Later Karen tells Beth Young about Martha Huber and how everybody believed Paul had killed her. Roy returns in "A Humiliating Business" where it is revealed that he and Karen have now married, making him her second husband. She is knocked down in the Riot, and is helped up by Lynette. She then lets Porter and Preston live at her house when Lynette tells them to find a place of their own, however their time is short lived as Karen kicks them out after they have a house party.

In "The Lies Ill-Concealed" Karen is visited by Felicia Tilman and is shocked to learn that she has moved next door. Felicia talks about the night she fled from Wisteria Lane and Karen recalls that she saw her and decided to keep the fact that Paul did not actually murder Felicia to herself. Later, Karen visits Felicia where she is surprised to learn that Beth was Felicia's daughter. She agrees to help Felicia keep an eye on Paul.

Behind the scenes


  1. ^ Desperate Housewives 5x23: Claire called to her and ask "Roberta Simmons?"
  2. ^ Desperate Housewives 3x05: Karen mention about him
  3. ^ Desperate Housewives 7x07: Mary Alice mention about that
  4. ^ Desperate Housewives 4x01
  5. ^ Desperate Housewives 4x02
  6. ^ Desperate Housewives 4x05
  7. ^ Desperate Housewives 4x09
  8. ^ Wightman, Catriona (September 16, 2010). "Ten teasers about 'Desperate Housewives'". Digital Spy. http://www.digitalspy.com/british-tv/s21/desperate-housewives/tubetalk/a277188/ten-teasers-about-desperate-housewives.html. Retrieved December 23, 2011. 
  9. ^ "Kathryn Joosten - News and Articles". kathrynjoosten.com. http://www.kathrynjoosten.com/newsarticles.shtml. Retrieved 2008-07-17.